Rapid urbanisation and the need to ensure people’s safety in public places, as well as the increasing popularity of smart digital systems provide a foundation for our work towards smart and safe, connected cities and infrastructures.
How we do it
Global 5G standard for railway communications
Teleste has been in the forefront of the development of Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) standard since 2015 when the work with technical requirements was started. We are taking part in verification and validation work with a focus on video and CCTV applications that will drive safety of people and operations in moving vehicles.
Smart amplifier communications standards
We have been taking part in SCTE Standards Smart Amplifier project, an industry-wide effort targeting to create standards for smart amplifier communications. The standards will cover communications with next-generation amplifiers for all DOCSIS networks, and they will include all required monitoring and control communications with an amplifier to advance remote maintenance work and reduce physical visits onsite.
Connected Zone® – the world’s smartest and safest bus shelter
Connected Zone® is a concept that enhances security and safety in public environments. The concept includes an innovative bus stop equipped with technical solutions that make it possible to create a special safe zones for, e.g., the users of public transport.
Wireless offload for transmission of mobile recordings
Our patended wireless offload technology allows public transport operators to ensure the fast and reliable transmission of recorded content between on-board and stations. The technology helps improve safety of passengers and operations on moving trains.